FluentBit — Log Filtering and HTTP Forwarding Tutorial
Fluent-Bit, Kubernetes, Log Filtering and Log Forwarding.
Simple walk through for Fluent Bit Log Filtering and HTTP Forwarding on a Kubernetes cluster.
Code: https://github.com/MalcolmPereira/eightball
Ingress-nginx: 1.5.1
Fluent Bit: 2.0.8
What is FluentBit
Fluent Bit is an end to end observability pipeline and as stated in Fluent Bit vision statement — “Fluent Bit is a super fast, lightweight, and highly scalable logging and metrics processor and forwarder. It is the preferred choice for cloud and containerized environments.”
In essence if you want to aggregate logging and metrics in a cloud environment and have separate systems for visualizing logs and metrics Fluent Bit is your go to choice.
Fluent Bit Documentation is succinct to get you started for different use cases.
Fluent Bit data pipeline consists of plugins to manipulate and route data to output destinations which includes following plugin categories:
Input — Input plugins that allow to source data from various sources
Parser — Parsers that allow to parse and input data and convert from unstructured to structured format
Filter — Filters that allow to filter, modify and enrich data.
Router — Create routing rules around the data
Output — Output plugins that connect the data to various output sources
Please checkout Fluent Bit Documentation for further details.
Sample Application — Magic 8 Ball
Naive Implementation for Eight Ball
Simple project that answers responses to questions that results in a “yes” or “no” answers.
This is nothing new, Magic Eight Ball was invented in 1950 by Albert C. Carter and Abe Bookman and later manufactured by a leading toy company.
The application consists of a front end React Web Application that calls Magic8 REST API which returns predictions for statements entered in the web application.
Fluent Bit parses logs generated by REST API service, filters lines containing “statement” and sends it to a service that captures statements.
The aim of the application is to demonstrate setting up fluent bit for parsing logs and routing filtered logs to an output destination.
Fluent Bit Configuration
Fluent Bit is installed via helm using definitions in fluent-bit-values.yaml file, some important sections in yaml file are as follows.
The input section tails Magic8 Service logs.
inputs: |
name tail
path /var/log/containers/magic8service*.log
tag kube.*
multiline.parser docker,cri
read_from_head true
buffer_chunk_size 3MB
buffer_max_size 5MB
mem_buf_limit 5MB
skip_long_lines Off
The filter parser filters out log lines that do not have STATEMENT string in the log lines.
name grep
match *
regex log STATEMENT
Another filter parser extracts the statement using [Rubluar Regular Expression](https://rubular.com) to parse statement item from the log.
name parser
parser magic8-parser
match kube.*
key_name log
preserve_key true
reserve_data true
match kube.*
customParsers: |
name magic8-parser
format regex
regex \STATEMENT:(?<statement>([ a-zA-Z0-9]*))
Another filter removes elements from log lines which are not required by statment capturing service.
name modify
match *
Remove_wildcard date
Remove_wildcard log
Remove_wildcard log_processed
Remove_wildcard kubernetes
Remove_wildcard stream
Remove_wildcard time
Finally output plugin routes statements t0 a logging service. The logging service is running some reachable address e.g.
name http
match *
port 8080
uri /log
format json
body_key ${statement}
Install on a local Kubernetes cluster
All commands executed from the root of the project.
This is very easy with DockerDestop or Rancher Desktop. Please disable default Traefik Ingress Controller with Rancher Desktop or adjust the Magic8 Ingress to work with Traefik.
Generate SSL Certificates
Please install CloudFlare SSL Tools for generating test SSL certificates, very easy on mac with brew install cfssl, other systems supported as well.
Generate SSL Certificates for REST API
cfssl gencert -ca tls/myaceme_ca.pem -ca-key tls/myaceme_ca-key.pem -config tls/profile.json -profile=server tls/service_tls/magic8service.json | cfssljson -bare tls/service_tls/magic8service
Generate SSL Certificates for Web Application
cfssl gencert -ca tls/myaceme_ca.pem -ca-key tls/myaceme_ca-key.pem -config tls/profile.json -profile=server tls/client_tls/magic8client.json | cfssljson -bare tls/client_tls/magic8client
Install Kubernetes Ingress-Nginx Ingress Controller
The ingress allows for consistent access to the services running in the cluster.
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm repo update
##Ingress-NGINX Version 1.5.1, Helm Chart Version 4.4.2
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.4.2 --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
Please validate that an valid IP address is shown for the ingress controller.
kubectl get service --namespace ingress-nginx
Update the Host file to make the following addresses resolvable by localhost or a specific ip address as displayed by the Ingress service.
::1 magic8client.malcolm.io
::1 magic8service.malcolm.io
or valid ip address shown under external-ip for the ingress controller magic8client.malcolm.io magic8service.malcolm.io
Install Application
Create magic8 namespace.
kubectl create namespace magic8
namespace/magic8 created
Create TLS secrets for the ssl certificates.
kubectl create secret tls service-ingress-tls --key tls/service_tls/magic8service-key.pem --cert tls/service_tls/magic8service.pem --namespace magic8
kubectl create secret tls client-ingress-tls --key tls/client_tls/magic8client-key.pem --cert tls/client_tls/magic8client.pem --namespace magic8
Apply the deployments
kubectl apply -f service/node/magic8/magic8service.yaml --namespace magic8
kubectl apply -f client/react/magic8/magic8client.yaml --namespace magic8
Install Fluent Bit
Install fluent bit using the fluend helm repo.
#Add Fluent Bit Helm Repo
helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts
#Update the repo
helm repo update
#Install Fluent Bit
#Using Helm Chart Version 0.23.0 which is fluent-bit version 2.0.8
#Use the fluent-bit-values.yaml values file
helm upgrade --install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit --version 0.23.0 --values fluentd/fluent-bit-values.yaml --namespace magic8
Run Statement Logger Service
The statment logger service is a simple go http server that logs statements posted by the FluentBit HTTP output plugin to console.
Access the web application at https://magic8client.malcolm.io for the magic8ball application and see entered statements logged in statement logger service through Fluent Bit.
Clean Up
helm uninstall fluent-bit --namespace magic8
kubectl delete -f service/node/magic8/magic8service.yaml --namespace magic8
kubectl delete -f client/react/magic8/magic8client.yaml --namespace magic8
kubectl delete secret service-ingress-tls --namespace magic8
kubectl delete secret client-ingress-tls --namespace magic8
kubectl delete namespace magic8
helm uninstall ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-nginx
Hope you found this walk through helpful and have a general idea on how Fluent Bit can be used. Thank you for reading.